GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Deployment of the agile mindset"

Track: Agile In Midlife / Time: Friday 14:30 - 15:20 / Location: Grote Zaal

Based on experience in large corporate organizations working to adopt agile, this session starts with the mindset and mental models of corporate management. Often surprisingly knowledgeable managers and leaders get their dreams lost in translation, leading to a poor end result of the transformation.

This session explains how this happens, and what you can do in various roles to prevent it. It aims to bridge the gap between teams and sr management. It also shines a senior managements' light on management of change.

Keywords: Corporate Agile, behavioural change, management, agile transformation
Target Audience: everyone interested in moving somewhat big organizations (200+ - 15000+) to a new way of working and thinking. Scrumcoaches, Agile consultants, Agile coaches, managers, change management consultants, interim managers, agile thinkers. Typically, Scrummasters and Productowners will like it as well.

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Eelco Rustenburg, Agile Thinker, co-author of Power of Scrum

Eelco Rustenburg

Biography: Eelco Rustenburg

Eelco is Partner at Blinklane. His roles are typically Agile coach, Agile management consultant and one of Blinklane's top performers on Events and Trainings. After some 10 years of ICT technical work (Architect, Software Engineer, Team lead, teamlead and software languages trainer), he discovered Agile and management coaching to be his true passion. The last 5 years have been primarily focussed on Agile and Scrum consulting, leading the implementation at primarily large organizations. Currently, Eelco is doing a large scale transformation to Agile at one of Hollands larger international product companies.
Since 2008, Eelco is one of Holland's top Agile thoughtleaders, with the book "The Power of Scrum" (2011) together with founder of Scrum Jeff Sutherland and TU Delft professor in global software engineering Rini van Solingen as a latest highlight.
Eelco is renowned for his Agile workshops, which are aimed at business, (senior) management and program/projectmanagement. The list of workshops for large companies is impressive. Next to this, he does a lot of talks on company business events, and open events. Recent events are CIO day 2011 in Holland, ALE2011 in Berlin, JFall in Holland 2011, Business events at Rabobank, Agile consortium, Nationale Nederlanden, Essent, SAP, XPDays2011 (Madrid).
Eelco is an Agile management thinker, program manager for change programs and creative thoughtleader for Agile practices, principles and behaviour. His ability to change mindsets along with process and structure is valuable for any large change program.

Twitter: @eelco1969